Create to Bring Him Glory - From a full time college student, business owner, and wife.

To use my business platform to glorify God means to Create things that bring The Creator Himself glory. My business is another form of worship for me, and I view it as an instrument to worship Him through. Whether it be apparel, jewelry, or various accessories I strive to glorify Him in all that I do & in everything I make. In my opinion, a successful business is one that is centered around Christ. Whether it make millions or not, I believe if I center whatever I do around Him I am doing what He called me to do, in that I can have success. I believe that by creating trendy, Christ-centered apparel and accessories, it can help grasp the unreached and allow them to dive deep into the products and meaning behind them. One thing I had to learn, being a Christian business owner was that I had to surrender MY ideas and brainstorming sessions to HIM. It became hard and draining to continually be creative in my own strength all the while juggling being a full-time college student, wife, intern, AND having a fun social life… whew! What I soon come to realize is that if I surrender my creativity to Him, he will help me spark ideas and designs that are original and that come from prayer and waiting on what He wants me to do next or what message to portray on my next apparel launch. This also taught me patience, something I think I needed to learn being a business owner. Some of my best-selling work has come to me through worshipping in private and focusing on His goodness. I simply could not rely on my own ability to always be able to create things that I was passionate about and not get burn out. One of my favorite Bible verses is Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight”. this verse sums this idea up perfectly! Another way that I use my business platform to glorify God is by giving! Giving is so important in following Jesus. It is an act to express our faith in following Him.

Proverbs 19: 17 “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done” I decided to adopt a sponsor child and give to her monthly through giving a percentage of each sale to the organization to bless her with. This is something I am so glad I got the opportunity to do because it not only pushes me to keep going with Elohe Threads, but it allows me to serve others with my business. I am so blessed to even be able to keep going with my small business and so blessed with the support that I have had this far; I believe that by putting God first in each little decision helps my little business to prosper.

- Makalee from Elohe threads

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